Sunday School Follow Up

Our children are so blessed to have great kids programs (a.k.a. Sunday School, Kids Kingdom) where they are weekly learning the different stories of the Bible, lesson applications, crafts and learning new songs. We find that it's useful and beneficial to use the reinforcement method by talking over with them the lessons that they learned on Sunday. This is something fun to do with each kid individually before bed by asking them what they learned and taking a few minutes to talk it through with them. If they made a craft that day, maybe they can show you what they did and how that related to the lesson. Some children programs also send home a follow up sheet. Use the ideas and tips given to reinforce what they have learned and use it as an opportunity to bond with your child. We find that bed time is a good down-time to talk so it's another easy way to incorporate talking about Jesus in our lives.

For example, our daughter has been attending Vacation Bible School this week. Every day she comes home with a craft and a Family Page that tells us what she learns and gives us practicals and ideas of things we can do as a family to reinforce the message for the day. It gives us parents something to focus on daily, rather than just having family devotionals once a week.

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