Moses and the Red Sea

Teaching obedience is a lesson that is sometimes challenging and is done on a continual basis. Even as adults, we are constantly trained by God to obey him throughout our journey here on earth. We recently did a family devotional with another family where we taught the story of Moses and the parting of the red sea. A fun activity to do at the end of the story is to act out the story. For toddlers and preschoolers, this is fun to add after the story: 

Take two large pillows and have two people hold it across from each other. We would then ask the kids if they were an Israelite or an Egyptian. If they were an Israelite, they would show their trust and obedience by walking safely through the pretend sea between the pillows. If they answered Egyptian, then as they walked through, the pillows would come crashing down on them - gently, of course. Acting out stories is a good way for them to remember these stories of faithful men and women in the Bible and most importantly, reminding them of God's faithfulness and power to do amazing things in the midst of very difficult situations.

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