
It is fun to read bible stories and act them out with your kids. We recently chose to act out the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

John 11: 1-45 or you can use a children's bible with a shorter narration.

Materials needed: Some cushions or pillows and a roll of toilet paper.

Take turns playing the role of Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus.

Use a roll of toilet paper to make a mummy out of one of the kids. They need to keep still so they don't easily break the wrapping of toilet paper around themselves. Make a pretend tomb out of pillows and put "Lazarus" in the tomb.
Kids love hearing the words" Lazarus, come out!" and they have to crawl out of their pretend tomb and break off their grave clothes.

It's an amazing story of Jesus raising Lazarus to life - to show our kids how powerful our God is - even over death!

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